Transformers Age of Extinction Review Intro

Transformers Age of Extinction is not terrible. I’m as shocked as you are.
I’ve been trying to figure out for months how to talk about this thing. I went into this one with just the lowest of low expectations, the trailers made it look more of the same as the last ones but even after the abuse the last 3 films had put me through, even after learning this movies awe inspiring running time of 6 days and 3 hours long, I still went in opening night. I was hopping this would be the one to finally kill me. So you could say I was disappointed. I wouldn’t say it was a real movie but you know what I saw that night compared to the first 3 movies, most of the Avengers movies, the new Star Trek movies and countless other crappy lazy films, I saw some effort.

Now I’m just going to come out and say Transformers Age of Extinction is one of my personal favorite movies. I saw it 4 times in theaters, I’ve seen it countless times since its been out on blue ray and digital copy, so you can say I’m a pretty big fan of the movie and I feel somewhat fair to talk about this movie since I didn’t like the last 3 movies all that much and I’m perfectly prepared to say, “yes, this movie can be considered bad, there’s genuine reasons to hate this movie, it has in my opinion all the bad of the last 3 movies (maybe a little more tamed) but has a lot of good to balance it out a bit.” So in spirit of Michael Bays 3 hour long Transformers “Epic” I will now present you with a 4 part review. This first part will act as the intro the the rest of the review and the other 3 parts will individually tackle each chuck of the film as I believe it divides up well into 3 easily recognizable acts.

So with whatever further delays, Transformers Age of Extinction my review, the movie is flawed but by Transformers standards, its a gem.



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